Presents the Official SnapSeries
This Build is for Xperia and it's from me ideosdev@MIUI.USV4 on MiniCM9 4.04
This is an alpha build and don't complain thing don't work
I don't this little device as i build is depending on skill and not tested
You can help me by Donating me to buy me a Xperia X8
Any donation or can be made to me or over forum at miui.us (IdeosDev) /Twitter: @IdeosDevZack
Working ::Latest Xperia X8
- Boot
- Touchscreen
- MIUI Apps and Launcher
- Sd-Card
- Wifi
- Sms and Call -2g/3g
- Bluetooth
- Accelerometer
- Audio
- headphone
- Superuser root updated and works
- Installing Apps
- Virtual Keys
- Led
- Brightness
- Sensors
- Charger
- Camera
- USB Connection
- Browser
- Other's
Not Working/Broken:
- Lowest Brightness (Will Dimm Off the Screen)
- USB Connection(PATCHED)
- Latest 2.1.1.A.0.6/2.1.1.C.0.0 SE firmware / Baseband: M76XX-TSNCJOLYM-53404015
- Unlocked bootloader
- Latest version of the ICS nAa kernel
- Download the update-MIUI-xxx.zip from the release link that follows
- Backup your /data contents: contacts, apps, sms, etc. or backup via recovery
- Move the update-MIUI-xxx.zip to the root folder of your sdcard.
- Make sure you are using the nAa-ics kernel
- Enter CWM and:
- - Select 'backup and restore -> Backup'
- - Select 'wipe data/factory reset' (MUST DO)
- - Flash the zip. To do this, Select 'install zip from sdcard -> choose zip from sdcard' and select the update-MIUI-xxx.zip
- - Flash gapps if you want them!
- Reboot (first boot will take ~2 mins)
Disclaimer : I'm not responsible if this ROM bricks your lovely phone. Use it at your own risk!
|Strictly No Copying My Rom in Any Part & Do Read FAQ at Post #2|
Download & Changelog at Post #3
Root Now Working (Method)
Support Pages (DroidXDA) Support Them as Well By Clicking Their Advert
nAa for CM9
Deeddi for the signature banner
Downloads & Changelogs
(Do click our advert or Donate to Support Our Work)Downloads:
Do NOT mirror or Links Without Permission and Strictly No Eta's
Changelog :
Changelog :
- V2.8.31
- MIUI 2.8.31
- Media Now Scan and Solved (FileExplorer &Music Player especially)
- Backport Some Lib from latest MiniCM9 Nightlies
- Updated Superuser
- Improved Setting(Fixed Some Misplaced button)
- Root Now Working (Method)
- More Stable and Better On Battery Life
- Removed Some Unwanted Apps
- Most stable build till date :)
- USB Patches(not confirm) [
V2.8.10V2[*]Fixed some problem with setting[*]Clear Up Some Files On The Build[*]Wifi Fixed[/LIST]
- V2.8.17
- MIUI 2.8.17
- Fixed Setting now work especially wifi and bluetooth
- Fully Resized For MDPI Launcher(Take lot of serious time)
- Fixed all those FC's from the rom
- Fixed Call Problem on tester version
- Updated Superuser to 3.2 RC2
- Updated Google Play to Latest v3.8.16
- 4-Way Reboot
- Lockscreen bug improved (nearly gone maybe :p )
- Removed some unwanted lib
- V2.8.10
- MIUI 2.8.10
- Fixed some problem within the build
- remove aroma to normal updater :)
- Rebased with latest MiniCM9 4.0.4
- Remove Some Apps to Data/app to space up the system
- Joined SnapSeries Rom's
- V2.6.29
- MIUI 2.6.29
- Fixed some apps FCs
- simplified AROMA Installation (noobs friendly )
- V2.6.22
- Fixed Lockscreen Bug
- Improve stability
- Added With AROMA installer ;)
- Fixed Headphone
- USB Mount Storage Apps Added
- Lightweighted
- Other's Improvement for performance
- tweaked brightness levels
- Initial Released
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