(ROM)GingerJHv4 Linux version for Alfs-cm7 & nAa11(11-03-2012)

Sunday, 11 March 2012

What is working:
Working All!!

Download link:

For Google Gapps==>http://goo-inside.me/gapps/gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip

fixed kgsl lib for stock kernel:==>http://www.mediafire.com/?8tlenbk323spdub

For Alfs kernel you can go to this thread:http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1340861

Install for GingerJHv4 Linux version:
1.Download Rom and alfs-cm7 or nAa
2.flash kernel
3.Full Wipe data 
4.Flash the Rom 
5.Flash Google Gapps
6.Reboot and Enjoy 

Install for stock kernel:
1.Download the Rom
2.reboot to Xrecoovery
3.flash the Rom
4.Install lib kgsl for stock kernel
5.Full wipe and wipe davik cache
6.Reboot and Enjoy 

I confirm it work with stock kernel that i test with my friend phone and it work perfectly!!Try it and Do with your own risk ^^

NOTE for GingerJHv4 linux version: No need to flash update chargemon&vold anymore!!!Do it with your own risk!!!!

Some Screenshots:


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