Review Install ClockworkMod Recovery on the MK802

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

ClockworkMod logoClockworkMod Recovery is a tool that lets users of rooted Android devices create a complete backup of their device, restore from previous backups, wipe all data, or install new operating systems or other software updates.
It can run on dozens of phones and tablets, and now you can also install ClockworkMod Recovery on anMK802 Android 4.0 Mini PC.
The MK802 is a USB thumb drive-sized computer with a USB port, mini USB port, mini HDMI port, and a microSDHC card slot. It has an Allwinner A10 processor, Mali 400 graphics, and it can run Android as well as a range of Linux-based operating systems.
Because the Allwinner A10 chip is used in a number of low-cost Android tablets, there’s already an active developer community working on custom software that supports the chip — and many of those tools also work with the MK802.
Chesterx and KEgg at the Rikomagic forum found that a recent build of ClockworkMod runs on the MK802, although it takes a little work to get it up and running.
You can find step-by-step instructions in a post by KEgg.
Basically you’ll need to download the revoery file to your device, make sure SuperUser and BusyBox are installed, as well as an Android app called Script Manager, and then you can use Script Manager to run the install script.
In order to user ClockworkMod, click on the file and you should be able to use your mouse to navigate through the recovery options.
Eventually this will make it easier to install custom firmware on the MK802 and similar devices, since you won’t have to connect the device to a PC and run the LiveSuit utility. Right now there are no stable custom ROMs available for the MK802 that I’m aware of, but you can still use ClockworkMod to backup or restore your device — which is a good idea if you ever do plan to try out custom firmware.


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