REVIEW : Hardkernel ODROID-X: $129 Android developer board with quad-core CPU

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Korean company Hardkernel offers a line of tablets aimed at developers. While they tend to have some great hardware, they also tend to carry high price tags. Now the company is offering a new developer board which costs just $129.
Last year’s Hardkernel ODROID-A was one of the first tablets to ship with a Samsung Exynos 4210 dual core CPU. It cost $749 at the time. Now the company sells an $850 ODROID-Q tablet with a Samsung Exynos 4412 quad-core CPU.
But developers can also opt for a significantly cheaper developer board called the ODROID-X.
Hardkernel ODROID-X
The Hardkernel ODROID-X has a 1.4 GHz Exynos 4412 quad-core ARM Cortex-A9 CPU, Mali 400 graphics, 6 USB 2.0 ports, 10/1000Mbps Ethernet, and mic and headphone jacks. There’s also a full-sized SDHC card slot.
It features 1GB of RAM and runs Google Android 4.0.4.
Optional accessories include a WiFi chip and antenna, LCD, Bluetoth, HDMI, camera, and storage modules.
While the ODROID-X is aimed at software and hardware developers, it could also be the basis for a rather interesting DIY mini-PC. It may cost significantly more than a $35 Raspberry Pi or $74 MK802, but the little device also has one of the fastest ARM-based processors available and a number of expansion options.


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