[ROM][DESIRE S/DESIRE HD] [17. MAR] Primo-S - 1.2 - beta [HTC One V port] Android 4.0.3 [Sense 4.0 Lite]

Saturday, 17 March 2012

This is leaked official HTC One V rom (1.41.401.1). for Desire HD and Desire S only..
look second post for Screenshots and Changelog

if you want use it as base, dont ask. just give link to original thread 

this is my port of HTC One V aka Primo. it runs very fast (yes this is just fastest rom ever!!) and runs stable enough. has some issues, and will fix them next days..


* Android 4.0.3
* Sense 4.0A UI (Lite version)
* Odexed system
* Rooted
* init.d support
* Dropbox 25 GB for Free

What works:

- Touchscreen
- Radio: Phone Calls, data 2G/3G
- Original HW Accel (3D & 2D) opengl-es 2.0
- Audio - PlayMusic - Headset (no beats yet)
- Wifi
- SdCard
- All Sensors, rotate and others..
- Hardware Keys and light
- Bluetooth
- Mount Storage to PC
- ...

What doesn't works:

- camera
- wifi hotspot
- and others..

Download: 1.2 

wipe cache & dalvik cache for upgrade from 1.1 is enough..

MD5: 0129CE9D3E73418FEA28E777C41420C3
sigpic by eyahl


v1.2 - 17.03.2012

- wifi fixed 100 % (thx ronks888)
- ram optimize script (thx lowveld)
- usb mount app it will require root access but will work 100% !! (thx Bexton)
- included updated desire hd kernel (same like wifi-fixed kernel - the first one)
- inspire soundimages from virtuous team (hope it works) cant test myself sorry guys

v1.1 - 15.03.2012

- reverted kernel to quattro (for speed)
- wifi is sadly not 100% fixed 
- fixed music play (thx xvicedice and community)
- added Teeter back
- added Soundhound back
- added Facebook & Twitter to system (with odex) old version
- Google Plus
- Inspire & Telus Soundfiles added (need testing)

v1.0 - 14.03.2012

- new sense ics kernel by m-deejay with my ramdisk and fixes (thx to VIRTUOUS TEAM!!)
- fixed wifi (must add your network manual) (thx to lowveld)
- fixed bluetooth
- fixed gps
- fixed rotation
- fixed su (thx Chainfire for SuperSU)
- Search button as Recent Apps (thx Shrome99)
- updated Twitter
- updated Facebook
- updated Adobe Flash Player
- added Quick boot
- multi device support (Desire S and Desire HD only for now)
- and what i forgot..


on installer you will see (for Desire S, just ignore. rom is for Desire S and Desire HD)




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