[Rom][ARC/ARC S][03/04]KA12 Ice Cream Sony released|Best Audio,fast,smooth,Battery Drain fix...

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Dear Arc/Arc S users,

since I don't have an Arc, I'm especially interested in the following things:
- Is it rooted?
- Are the gapps included?
- Is everything working?
- What from the changelog are you missing?

== Working HD games KA08 and above == Tested on Neo ==
Tested and working:
- 9MM HD
- Asphalt 5
- Asphalt 6 HD
- BackStab HD
- GT Racing HD
- Real Football 2011 HD
- Shrek Karting HD
- Dead Space
- Reckless Racing 2
- Modern Combat 3 (Slow mission loading)
- World of Goo
- Let's Golf 1 

2nd post 

==for high speed download from hotfile==
To download the files from hotfile as a premium user:
- Go to www.tomtest.net and register
- Use the multi cookie generator on-line if there are cookies available
- Use cookie manager in Firefox or chrome
- add the new cookie you just generated
- Ready to download at high speed 

- Pre-rooted
- Great Audio Improvement
- 100% Supercharged
- Swipe to remove notification
- Based on ICS Beta release from Sony
- Facebook Inside Xperia
- Timescape
- Bravia Engine, xLoud, Beats Audio
- Wifi Direct
- reboot option in power menu
- SystemUI with widgets
- Face-unlock feature
- New home.apk
- New music, digital clock and analog clock widget
- New default themes
- Some Bloatware Removed
- Stripped of some useless SE apps
- Lightly themed
- Customized Statusbar Icons with ICS icons
- Very battery friendly
- All Gapps updated {Included ones}
- Lott more..

== download == KA12 ==
No more need to Supercharge since it is included since KA10
Mediafire: KA12 Ice Cream Sony Mediafire link
Hotfile: KA12 Ice Cream Sony Hotfile link
Arc S build.prop: Download KA12 Arc S build.prop
Bright led fix thanks to dbox is as attachment in this post 

== download == Addons == All working with KA12 ==
On screen button enabler, menu button on home screen is positioned a bit high, this is only with stock launcher
- KA10 On screen button enabler v4: KA10 On screen button enabler v3
- KA10 Battery % mod: KA10 Battery % mod
- KA10 Volume buttons to skip track: KA10 Volume buttons to skip track mod This addon will remove screenshot option
- KA10 Auto-rotate home: Auto rotating home
- KA10 default Sony keyboard: Default ICS beta Sony keyboard
- KA11 Timescape: KA11 Timescape
- KA11 Facebook: KA11 Facebook
- KA11 remove Facebook + Timescape: Remove Facebook + Timescape
- KA11 Default Camera: KA11 Default Camera old camera without 720p @ 10Mbps
- KA11 Google Quick Search: KA11 Google Quicksearch Box
- Google Gallery: Google Gallery
- Geniewidget: GenieWidget

== download == Kernel ==
Kernel: ICS beta kernel with CWM

- Sony for the ICS Beta rom release
- Bin4ry for GSM & Bluetooth
- zackie012 for camera fix
- Night-Elf for the kernel with CWM
- Doomlord for OC kernel
- emannxperia for Neo V camera Patch
- Diamond666- for systemUI with widgets KA01 - KA06
- hansip87 for many things (SystemUI and framework mod)
- jjdoctor for many things (Battery fix)
- erkanguness for brightness tweak
- 7OH for Russian framework values and volume buttons to skip track mod

==Installation instructions== KA Ice Cream Sony users ==
Important! Only for unlocked bootloader
Kernel included is the ICS beta kernel with recovery
- copy KA07_Ice_Cream_Sony_Arc.zip to root of sd-card
- choose "Flash zip from sd-card" and choose the KA07_Ice_Cream_Sony_Arc.zip
- Ready to use updated version 
- [Arc S] extract build.prop and replace the one in /system folder with right permissions 

- [optional] again reboot into recovery, go to advanced & fix permissions
I am not responsible for damage to your device, use at own risk!


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